Sunday, March 24, 2013

Best sources of Vitamin D

Vitamin D is a group of fat-soluble secosteroids resposible for intestinal absorption of calcium and phosphate.

Sources of Vitamin D:

  • Sun


Vitamin D is also called sunshine vitamin because the body can synthesize Vitamin D from the direct exposure to the sun-light.Proper daily exposure to the sun - five to15 minutes with exposed face , hands and arms can provide the necessory Vitamin D one needs.

  • Food

  1. Fish


Fish that are fatty such as salmon, tuna,oysters and mackerel contain Vitamin D. This is especially true if you eat fleshy part of the fish.

    2. Mashroom

Mashroom is also a good source of Vitamin D, every four shitake mashroom provide 249 IU of Vitamin D.

     3. Fortified food

Fortified food is the best source of Vitamin D, this include milk, cereals, some fruit juices especially orange, and some milk products like yogurt, cream and margarine.

    4. Other food source

Other food sources include beef, liver ,eggs and cheese. Howevre the amount of Vitamin D in these foods is minimal.
  • Supplements

 Supplements can be used to overcome Vitamin D deficiency but after consultation with your doctor. 








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