Tuesday, March 5, 2013


A diffuser and a bottle of essential oil.

Aromatherapy is a form of medicine which draws its healing powers from the plant world. The essential oils of plants are absorbed into the body through inhalation, topical application massage, and soaking baths. These oils have the ability to balance the mind, body and emotions to make you look and feel great .Aromatherapy is a holistic therapy like all natural therapies. Aromatherapy oils have excellent therapeutic properties – they can help us with all our physiological as well as psychological problems and therefore are called fragrant pharmacy or essential oils (EOs). It is quite popular these days and women are turning to this alternative method for beauty enhancements.
          These essential oils are extracted from specific parts of plants like flowers, leaf, stem and root. A large amount of raw material makes a very small amount of Eos; hence they are highly concentrated and need to be used with care. These oils should not be applied directly on the skin. Pure carrier oil such as almond oil and olive oil is always used as a base.    
            The Essential oils cannot be ingested because of their high concentration, which can harm our digestive system. The essential oils enter the body through skin and olfactory tract. Although the skin is waterproof and does not allow water molecules to penetrate through pores.
        Aromatherapy products containing essential oils not only smell wonderful, but also yield excellent benefits for the skin “our regular skin moisturizers and creams are emulsions of mineral oil and water. These molecules of mineral oils are large and cannot penetrate through the pores of the skin. Hence these products lubricate the skin superficially. But the molecules of the essential oils easily penetrate the skin and give you excellent results.
         If you want a beautiful skin that is radiant, it is important to have a good night’s sleep and lavender oil is the best option. “Lavender is the most versatile of all Eos and is popular for its relaxing effects. Put a drop of lavender oil on a tissue and rub it on your pillow for a heavenly night’s sleep. A drop of lavender oil can also be rubbed on bruises, cuts and sin irritation for relief”.
        “The EOs can enter the body through inhalation. If you have any psychological problem like tension, stress, headache, migraine, depression etc., inhaling the correct oil will help you in relieving that problem. However, if someone is suffering from epilepsy, he/she should not inhale hyssop oil and rosemary oil.”
      According to the expert, lemon grass oil is excellent for concentration in times of examination and interviews as it helps relieve nervous disorders. Lemon grass also has diuretic properties that can help with digestion and also helps you to lose weight. 
      The best part about EOs is that they are nontoxic, because after a period of six hours they are excreted out the body. Also, they work in synergy that is the total effect of a blend of different oils is better than using single oil.
       “One should never inhale directly from the bottle of EOs. Instead, put a drop on a tissue and inhale. Also one should never inhale too many oils at the same time as it can cause nausea, dizziness, or even diarrhea.”
       Aromatherapy has many known benefits, one of which is beautification. It is not just restricted to burning candles, spraying scents in the air – one can use aromatherapy for keeping the skin clear, body smooth and hair gorgeous.
     The natural oils used in aromatherapy can help the skin reach its optimum beauty. EOs can be used to treat wrinkles, pimples, cellulite and even dry skin. Good essential oils to use on the skin include sandalwood, tea tree and lavender.

Sandalwood oil:  It is really good for acne and infections of the skin mostly it has anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties.

Tea Tree oil:  It works well for spot treating pimples. It clears up acne fast and helps to limit their reoccurrence. It has strong anti-microbial properties and helps to reduce swelling.

Lavender oil: lavender is one of the most known all of the essential oils .Lavender helps to keep oily skin under control. It is also good for evening out the skin tone and healing blemishes.  


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