Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Health and Fitness Gadgets

There are a plenty of Health and Fitness Gadgets which can make your life quicker and easier by improving the quality of your life, lets have a look on some of these Gadgets:

Basis Band

The Basis Band looks like an ordinary watch, but it's actually a device to track your daily heart rate, caloric burn, physical activity, and sleep patterns. It's a light weight, water proof Fitness Gadget which can be used any where any time. So by using this fitness tracker you can

Super charge your day

Get active, Boost energy

Sleep better, feel better                                                                      
Burn calories, get fit                                                                 


Motorola MotoActv

MotoActv is a stylish fitness tracker with smart MP3 player.This fitness gadget is competely sweat proof. Accusense™  technology and GPS track your workout data like time, distance, speed, calories burned and heart rate.

  By using this tracker you can monitor your following activities directly on your device or online at the MotoActv:

  • Running

  • cycling

  •  Golf and more

The smart MP3 player is stores hours and hours of your favourite songs and actually "learn" what tunes motivate you the most.


Sunday, March 24, 2013

Best sources of Vitamin D

Vitamin D is a group of fat-soluble secosteroids resposible for intestinal absorption of calcium and phosphate.

Sources of Vitamin D:

  • Sun


Vitamin D is also called sunshine vitamin because the body can synthesize Vitamin D from the direct exposure to the sun-light.Proper daily exposure to the sun - five to15 minutes with exposed face , hands and arms can provide the necessory Vitamin D one needs.

  • Food

  1. Fish


Fish that are fatty such as salmon, tuna,oysters and mackerel contain Vitamin D. This is especially true if you eat fleshy part of the fish.

    2. Mashroom

Mashroom is also a good source of Vitamin D, every four shitake mashroom provide 249 IU of Vitamin D.

     3. Fortified food

Fortified food is the best source of Vitamin D, this include milk, cereals, some fruit juices especially orange, and some milk products like yogurt, cream and margarine.

    4. Other food source

Other food sources include beef, liver ,eggs and cheese. Howevre the amount of Vitamin D in these foods is minimal.
  • Supplements

 Supplements can be used to overcome Vitamin D deficiency but after consultation with your doctor. 







Saturday, March 23, 2013

Easy exercises for fitness

Simple and easy exercises which will help you lose weight over the long term:


Jogging is an easy and pleasant exercise to lose weight , feel energetic and become healthy.


Bicycling can be a real calorie burner. Riding outside is always enjoyable, but if you are little more time restricted you can invest in a good quality exercise bike.


Every one can do it easily, because it needs no specific equipment. For this exercise you just need a comfortable pair of shoes. To lose weight,  atleast 40 -60 minutes walk is must.


Dancing target your entire body, and is an excellant work out. It's not only good exercise to burn calories but it's also a fun and great stress reliever.


Spending time in the garden like weeding, tending vegetables and watering can be a good exercise and it can burn calories.


It's a very good exercise and can burn about 350 calories an hour and gives you a good opportunity to spend some quality time outside, seeing nature, or spending time with your family or friends.

Jumping rope

Jumping rope is easy to do, it just need a  jumping rope. You can burn calories quickly by jumping rope, like within 10 minutes ( at moderate pace) you can burn approximately115 calories.

Cleaning house

Get your house tidy and burn your calories, all at the same can burn about 200 calories an hour.


Swimming is a top exercise to lose weight especially in summer, you can burn about 800 calories an hour.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Good sleep habits

To get good night's sleep, it's important to develop healthy sleep habits and stick to them each night.

     Healthy sleep habits to help you wake up rested each morning:

  • Establish a regular bedtime and wake-time schedule and follow it every day, even on weekends.

  • Create a consistant and relaxing bedtime routine and make sure bedroom is comfortable, dark and quiet.

  •  Invest in a comfortable matress and pillows and only sleep in your bedroom.

  • Don't eat within two to three hours of bedtime, and avoid caffeine, and tobacco before going to sleep.

  • Exercise regularly, but try to schedule your workout well before bedtime.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Vitamin D deficiency

Vitamin D deficiency affect children’s growing bones,  it also contribute to the development of diabetes,hypertension, pneumonia, depression, cancer, blood pressure and various other problems.

Early symptoms of Vitamin D deficiency:

Body aches and muscular spasms are the early symptoms of Vitamin D deficiency.

Vitamin D absorption:


Sun rays are the natural way to absorb Vitamin D , incase of severe deficiency, Vitamin must be taken by spending some time in the sun every morning.
Half of world’s population has inadequate levels of Vitamin D spread in all kinds of ethnicities .

Vitamin D deficiency causes various diseases:

  •   Vitamin D deficiency reduces the body’s ability to absorb calcium and phosphorous which weaken bones and teeth and the bones of legs may bend under the weight of the body. The ends of the limb bones become enlarged and the skull become fragile. This disease is called rickets and mainly affects children six months to two years old. In extreme cases it retards the growth of children which delays walking and teething.
Vitamin D deficiency can also cause osteoporosis (softning of bones) , heart diseases, strokes, some cancers, multiple sclerosis , diabetes as well as infectious diseases such as tuberclosis and even seasonal flue.

  •  Adults who have low  Vitamin D Levels are likely to have cough, cold, or upper respiratory infections. 

  • Children who are Vitamin D deficient are more likely to get respiratory infections.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Keep active by walking

Walking is a great form of exercise, especially for people who are overweight and don't particularly like to do push-ups or jumping jacks.

       Some suggestions for people who are overweight and want to begin a walking program:

  • To begin, walk for five minutes each day. The second week, walk for eight minutes at a time.

  • When you feel comfortable, increase your walks to 11 minutes each.

  • Over time, slowly increase the duration of your walks, giving your heart, lungs and legs a good workout.

  • Buy a pair of comfortable walking shoes that offer good support. Be sure to replace shoes when they show signs of wear.

  • Make your exercise more fun by walking around a shopping  mall or park, or taking a friend with you. 


Sunday, March 17, 2013

You need Bone Density test

A bone density test measures the amounts of calcium and other minerals in your bones, and how likely you are to develop thin and brittle bones - characteristics of a condition called Osteoporosis.

 Following factors should be evaluated by the doctors before recommending a bone density test:

  • How tall you are and how much you weigh.

  • Whether you are a smoker.

  • Your family history of a broken hip, particularly your parents.

  • Medications you take.

  • Whether you have a disorder that increases your risk of Osteoporosis.

  • Your age, and whether you have become menopausal.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Food sources of Zinc

Best sources of Zinc include:

Animal Source

  • Beef

  • Lamb

  • Pork

  • Crab meat

  • Turkey

  • Chicken

  • Lobster

  • Clams

  • Salmon

Dairy products
  • Milk
  • Cheese
  • Yogurt

Plant Sources

  • Peanuts

  • Beans

  • Whole grain cereals

  • Brown rice

  • Whole wheat bread

  • Potato

  • Pumpkin seeds
One of the most concentrated source of Zinc

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